What are we about?
Raven’s Bread Ministries serves hermits and lovers of solitude whatever their religious affiliation or spiritual affinity via a quarterly newsletter, email correspondence, and personal guidance through phone, Skype, or Zoom. Information and advice are extended to those who have embraced eremitical life full-time; to those who are discerning this particular call from the Holy, and to those who pursue and cherish whatever solitude and silence they can find in their daily lives.
Who is a “Hermit” or “Spiritual Solitary”?
The term “hermit” evokes a variety of images, many of which are misleading. Despite Webster’s definition of a hermit as a recluse, the two realities do not describe the same lifestyle. A recluse chooses to avoid any association with other human beings from a variety of personal motives. Historically, a hermit is one who has freely chosen to live alone for spiritual reasons. In the Christian tradition, this way of life has been lived since the fourth century desert fathers and mothers of Egypt. While the specific expressions of this lifestyle often vary, they classically involve silence, solitude, simplicity of life, and prayer. A necessary degree of interaction with others allows a religious solitary to earn a living and maintain a simple lifestyle in the modern world.
Such solitaries are deeply spiritual individuals who live a life that allows them to approach ever-growing transparency to the Holy. In doing so, they can project a positive energy of compassion toward all humanity, and even creation itself, thus becoming a “still point” that holds together a world threatening to fly apart.
Variety and Freedom
The resurgence of eremitical life in the western world begun in the 1950s shows no sign of abating. It is embraced as a means of finding personal balance and also as a way of caring spiritually for our swiftly evolving planet. The spiritual motivations fueling this way of life are often distinct from any religious incentive. Authentic solitaries are found among all cultures, beliefs, and faith traditions. The various expressions of solitary life are as diverse as those who are living it. No two are exactly alike, so there exists certain ease and freedom in the eremitical life as it accommodates the individual’s needs, desires, and circumstances.
How can Raven’s Bread Ministries serve you?
First and foremost, we offer an 8-page quarterly newsletter with a circulation of nearly 1500 readers throughout the world. This newsletter is written for and by hermits themselves to affirm and encourage them. One has the option of receiving the paper edition via postal mail or a .pdf file attached to an email. We, out of our own experience of solitude, compile the written contributions of the readers so that Raven’s Bread can be an authentic voice derived from empirical knowledge. Reflections, questions, personal stories, and problems unique to solitary life are published and commented upon.
Donations for the newsletter are needed and appreciated but not required.
If you are just finding us for the first time, you can receive a complimentary copy of our newsletter by leaving your contact information on the CONTACT US page.
All names on our mailing list are kept strictly confidential.
As you review this website, you will find other services we make available.
At the height of the Coronavirus Pandemic, we offered readers and interested viewers monthly videos on our YouTube Channel. Simply look for the Title: A Word from Still Wood.
A final note: On November 29, 2020, this ministry was featured in an article in the New York Times “What We Can Learn From Solitude.” Click here